zaterdag 10 januari 2015

Drawing Challenge 12


De nieuwe D.C. deze week heeft als titel: Matchbox. Ik dacht aan de kleuterschool. De juf verzon dat we zo rond Pasen wel een kruis konden maken van lucifers. Nou, de lijm zat overal, behalve op het te plakken kruis, Ik moest nablijven, ja echt op de kleuterschool, om het kruis af te maken. En natuurlijk dacht ik ook aan m'n dierbare dames in't café. Heb je een vuurtje voor me? Tuurlijk. De afbeelding van een zwaluw op een luciferdoosje heb ik altijd mooi gevonden. Zo kwam ik bij Andy Warhol uit. Hij inspireerde me weer om nog iets meer te doen met deze mooie zwaluwen. Eric, ook deelnemer van D.C. nodigde me hier voor uit.  Dank je wel Eric, ik vond het leuk.  Zin om te zien wat andere deelnemers hebben gemaakt? Klik dan op Eric en je zult verbaast zijn. 

The new D.C. this week got the title: Matchbox. I thought about kindergarten . My teacher got the idea that we could make, it was around Easter, a cross from matches. Well, the glue was everywhere exept on the cross. I had to stay after schooltime, yes really, to finish my cross. And of course i thought about my dear ladies in the pub. Can you give me a light Honey? Sure! I always liked the image of a swallow on a matchbox. So Andy Warhol came into my head and i decided to do a little bit more with these beautiful swallows. Eric, also participant, invited me. Thank you Eric, i liked it a lot. Would you like to see what other participants made? Click on Eric and you will be suprised.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. The drawing is really great. And what a good idea to do something Warhol-ish with the swallow. Thanks for joining. - eric

  2. i also like the swallows

    and your ladies asking for a light is great
    lovely weekend to you Joke

  3. who would dare to refuse a light to these ladies ;)
    the little swallow takes me with him to memory lane...thanks

  4. Ja Ja!! your kindergarten teacher was very demanding!
    It is admirable as distant memories persist in our minds, and someday appear again. and serve to our creative purposes, not you think so?
    Your "Andy Warhol" is excellent. Have a nice week!

  5. Nice repeating swallow piece :) and the top drawing is wonderfully full of character - I almost imagine them moving in slow motion some how...
    what fantastic clothing they wear ;)

  6. oh jakkes, die juf!
    i love the swallow on a matchbox too, almost too big for such a small box, it is always elegant...
    thxs for your sweet comments off late, joke!

  7. I absolutely love the people you draw Joke and these two "honeys" are some of the best I've seen. So very well done. (plus they always bring a smile to me) I'm in awe of your talent my friend. X

  8. lovely drawing! And thanks for giving me a light :-)

  9. Both of your drawings are great! The couple made my day! :-)

  10. Any time ladies!
    Warhol would nod to your swallows, Joke.
    xo Carole
