The Unexpected
The Unexpected. The two words I've choosen as host. The last time I was in the hospital my orthopedist showed me the pictures from my two knees and told that after the succesful pain management operations, the arthrosis does grow slowly farther. I saw a mountainlandscape, with sharp peaks and deep valleys. Unexpected? Mayby just a little bit... In my drawings it's since april last year all about The Unexpected. I draw a lot, like a lot of people do. On bills, in my diary, it doesn't matter. One drawing that I made on a bill, made it impossible to see what to pay. These sketches give me unexpected drawings without a preconceived plan,. My niece also likes to draw. She couldn't choose between a turtle and a bird. So she found the solution and made a turtlebird! Some sketches are nice and I keep them. Because, you'll never know.If you want to see what other members about this D.C. made, click on their name and you will find out. Have a nice weekend!